Saint Clare’s Hospital-Dover provides comprehensive emergency services to all patients. Our Emergency Department is staffed by Bo

ard Certified Physicians with

 extensive training in Emergency Medicine as well as Certified Physician Assistants. Our Nursing staff consists of highly trained and Certified Emergency Nurses and Emergency Department technicians. Saint Clare’s is proud to have State-Certified Paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT’s), as part of our Mobile Intensive Care units (MICU’s) who respond to locations within our region in case of an emergency. Our Paramedics work alongside local first aid squads to provide advanced life support in patient’s homes, in the workplace, or on the road. We also feature Specialty Care Transport units (SCTU) that staff a highly trained RN and an EMT-B who provide critical care transport.

Emergency Department Profile

  • Annual volume of 26,000 visits
  • 20 acute-care beds and 7 Fast Track beds
  • Comprehensive Stroke Center
  • Primary Angioplasty Center
  • Full practice support with advanced practice providers, and EMR with Dragon voice recognition.
  • 24/7/365 In house Adult Hospitalist support
  • Excellent Administrative, ED and medical staff support
  • Staffed by Board Certified Physicians and Physician Assistants

Geriatric Emergency Department

Saint Clare’s provides comprehensive care for the growing geriatric community. Our collaborative, multi-disciplinary team is dedicated to providing high quality, compassionate care to our geriatric patients to avoid unnecessary hospital admissions and future Emergency Department visits. Saint Clare’s will also provide an array of services to support these patients and their family members allowing for a safer return home.

Address: 400 W Blackwell St, Dover, NJ 07801